Job Vacancy
1. Name/ Company Name: A local business
2. Votre email :
3. Category: 7F
4. Job Title: Communications & Public Relations Officer
5. Deadline: 20 November, 2023
6. Location: Yaoundé
7. Opportunity description: selected candidates will have the following main tasks
Duties: Design & implement strategy for branding the company and her goods & services to increase market share and ensure growth
Required competencies:
ü Training in Corporate marketing/communication
ü Project management
ü Events management
ü Public relations
ü Familiar with media environment (traditional & digital)
ü Community Management
ü Computer literate: Microsoft Office and Adobe Suite
ü Bilingualism: English & French (preferably anglophone with francophone culture)
ü Organisational skills
ü Leadership skills
ü Multitasking
ü Minimum of 2 years in a similar role in one company or 3 years cumulated in not more than two companies
ü Preferably female
ü Graphics design will be an added advantage
Deadline: CV, job application and motivation letter sent to: latest 20 November 2023
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