Jobs Opportunities : Roster of Consultants – Access to assistive technology

Freelance / Cons
USD 7,000 - 9,980 pe
LocalisationLocalisation :emploi-international Date de publication sur minajobs EmploisDate de publication :06/01/2024   Catégorie : Freelance / Cons Salaire : USD 7,000 - 9,980 pe
© www.MinaJobs.Net Cameroun

Job vacancy at WHO : Roster of Consultants – Access to assistive technology

Roster of Consultants – Access to assistive technology  - (2310533)
Contractual Arrangement: External consultant
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 3 to 11 months .

Closing Date: Jan 17, 2024, 11:59:00 PM
Primary Location: Anywhere
Organization: HQ/ATA Assistive Technology
Schedule: Full-time
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device's system settings.
Purpose of consultancy
The consultant will be performing the following tasks:

development and country implementation of WHO Training in Assistive Products (TAP);
procurement of assistive products to WHO specifications;
assistive technology data collection to inform National planning, including national capacity and population need for assistive technology, using WHO’s assistive technology assessment toolkit;
desktop review/s of literature.
The WHO and UNICEF Global report on assistive technology highlights the urgent need for improving access to assistive products, with an estimated 2.5 billion people requiring at least one assistive product. This number is expected to rise to over 3.5 billion by 2050. The World Health Assembly resolution (WHA71.8) on enhancing access to assistive technology, requesting WHO's technical and capacity-building assistance for Member States.

To support the successful implementation of the WHA71.8 and the report's recommendations, WHO has developed a suite of tools and resources for countries to use to strengthen their assistive technology systems and services. WHO needs consultants to provide technical input into further development of these tools and resources, as well as technical guidance in the implementation of these tools and resources at country level.

Task A: Country implementation of TAP, carry out planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEAL) activities.
Deliverable 1: National project implementation plan for TAP, as per WHO template.
Deliverable 2: National TAP MEAL plan and research protocol, using WHO template and ensuring compliance with WHO Master research protocol.
Deliverable 3: Quantitative and qualitative data collection tools set up and functioning throughout project cycle.
Deliverable 4: Data extraction and analysis as per the TAP MEAL plan.
Deliverable 5: Weekly project monitoring and updates against progress.
Deliverable 6: Zero draft project report, using WHO template.
Task B: Remote communications-related activities towards TAP in-country implementation.
Deliverable 1: Moderation of the TAP platform discussion forum.
Deliverable 2: Drafting and layout of final TAP in-country implementation reports.
Deliverable 3: Writing news stories and social media posts.
Task C: TAP module development.
Deliverable 1: Development and updating of TAP content trackers.
Deliverable 2: Review and editing of TAP draft module content, for consistency with TAP style.
Deliverable 3: Coordination of the external review process.
Deliverable 4: Updating of module content, based on feedback from external review.
Task D: Planning and implementation of TAP translation process.
Deliverable 1: Hold briefing and training sessions for translator(s) and manage process, including set up access to translation platform (Weglot) and files.
Deliverable 2: Open and close TAP webpages in Weglot in order for the translator to translate the web content.
Deliverable 3: Provide guidance to translator for any issues encountered with content or Weglot.
Deliverable 4: Upload translated PDFs, video URLs and other media elements to the back-end of the TAP platform.
Task E: Further development of WHO Training in Assistive Products (TAP) modules. Provide subject matter expertise towards the development of TAP module content (using WHO templates) and  worki in collaboration with an instructional designer:
Deliverable 1: Completed assistive product description.
Deliverable 2: Completed content map.
Deliverable 3: Completed instructional design plan.
Deliverable 4: Media elements identified.
Task F: Writing TAP content in the TAP format (instructional design) and into WHO templates, using content provided by a technical expert and in close collaboration with technical expert/s.
Deliverable 1: Completed assistive product description.
Deliverable 2: Completed content map.
Deliverable 3: Completed instructional design plan.
Deliverable 4: Media elements identified and video storyboards drafted.
Task G: Remote guidance to in-country mentors as part of TAP in-country implementation.
Deliverable 1: Planning and delivery of remote briefing workshop for new mentors.
Deliverable 2: Remote guidance to mentors and/or learners via an online platform for a period of six months.
Task H: Technical guidance to WHO teams on procurement of assistive products.
Deliverable 1: For wheelchair orders from the WHO catalogue, feedback to WHO teams on proposed procurement list and finalization of list for requisition in GSM.
Deliverable 2: Webinar on wheelchair service requirements and WHO guidance/training documents available.
Deliverable 3: Communications materials for WHO regional and country offices to support ordering of wheelchairs and related items from the WHO catalogue.
Deliverable 4: Technical review/feedback of supplier offers of assistive products.
Task I: National or sub-national assistive technology capacity assessment (ATA-C), using WHO’s ATA-C tool, and in collaboration with WHO teams and National stakeholders.
Deliverable 1: Detailed plan for a National assistive technology capacity assessment, as per the WHO ATA-C manual.
Deliverable 2: Collection of ATA-C data and its analysis, presented within ATA-C reporting template and summarized in a PowerPoint presentation.
Deliverable 3: Delivery of Powerpoint presentation at stakeholder workshop and collection of stakeholder feedback.
Deliverable 4: Final ATA-C report for submission to National stakeholder (likely Ministry of Health) and summarized in a PowerPoint presentation.
Task J: National or sub-national rapid assistive technology assessment (rATA), using WHO’s rATA tool, and in collaboration with WHO teams and National stakeholders.
Deliverable 1: Detailed plan for a National rapid assistive technology assessment, as per the WHO rATA implementation manual.
Deliverable 2: Delivery of enumerator training in the use of the rATA tool and technical guidance to enumerator teams during data collection.
Deliverable 3: Data cleaning and analysis of rATA data.
Deliverable 4: Reporting of rATA data within rATA reporting template and summarized in a PowerPoint presentation.
Task K: National Assistive Priority Product List (APL), using WHO’s model APL and implementation guidance and in collaboration with WHO teams and National. stakeholders
Deliverable 1: Detailed plan for a National APL, using WHO’s model APL and implementation guidance.
Deliverable 2: Collection of product prioritization data (through workshops and/or surveys), and its analysis, summarized in a PowerPoint presentation.
Deliverable 3: Delivery of PowerPoint presentation at stakeholder consensus meeting, collection of stakeholder feedback and final consensus.
Deliverable 4: Final National APL document for submission to National stakeholder  and summarized in a PowerPoint presentation.
Task L: Carry out a desktop review related to assistive technology, with input from WHO team.
Deliverable 1: Final review protocol.
Deliverable 2: Review search findings (raw data).
Deliverable 3: Review report, in WHO’s preferred format.
Qualifications, experience, skills and languages
Educational Qualifications:

Band level A: University degree in health sciences, assistive technology, public/global health, international development, or related fields.
Band level B: Advanced  degree in health sciences, assistive technology, public health or related fields.

Band level A:

1 to 5 years of relevant experience of:
working in less-resourced settings related to assistive technology;
all elements of the project management cycle;
technical writing for communications and reports.
Band level B

5 to 10 years of relevant experience of:
working in less-resourced settings related to assistive technology;
all elements of the project management cycle;
technical writing for communications and reports.

Band level A:
Experience of modifying/uploading web content within WordPress.
Experience of working with WHO or other UN organizations and government counterparts.
Experience of carrying out literature reviews, including qualitative and grey literature.
Band level B:
Experience working with WHO or other UN organizations and government counterparts.
Experience in the use of the WHO tools/resources related to the tasks above.
Experience of carrying out literature reviews, including qualitative and grey literature.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Microsoft Office, and with advanced knowledge/skills in Excel.
Ability to work in a team.
Knowledge of WHO Training in Assistive Products.
Knowledge of different types of literature review and related methodology.
Knowledge of the global assistive technology literature/evidence base.
Languages required:

Expert knowledge of English.

Intermediate knowledge of any other UN language.
Off site: Home-based.

The consultant is expected to travel.

Remuneration and budget (travel costs are excluded):
Band level A - USD 3,955 - 6,980 per month.
Band level B - USD 7,000 - 9,980 per month.

Living expenses (A living expense is payable to on-site consultants who are internationally recruited):

Expected duration of contract:
Contract duration varies from 3 months to maximum 11 months.

All applications must be submitted ONLINE at :


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