Temps complet
A negocier
LocalisationLocalisation :bamenda-region-nord_ouest-cameroun Date de publication sur minajobs EmploisDate de publication :29/06/2024   Catégorie : Temps complet Salaire : A negocier
© www.MinaJobs.Net Cameroun

Titre du post

Recruitment of a psychologist service provider to support Minor detention centres of the North West Regional Delegation of Social Affaires 

Contract duration

6 months with possibility of extension depending performance and availability of funding.



Work sites  


Languaqge of work 


Type of contract 

Service provider

Working hours

16 hours a week

Publication date 


Start date

As soon as possible






As part of the prevention and management of violence, since March 2023 MdM-CH has been implementing the third phase of a three (3) year project entitled “Strengthening the protection of vulnerable populations in the North-West and West regions of Cameroon”, which aims to contribute to reducing violence and optimizing victims' access to integrated victim care services in the North-West and West regions of Cameroon, targeting internally displaced populations from the NWSW crisis as well as vulnerable host populations. Like with all MdM-CH’s interventions, this project is part of a dynamic that combines institutional anchoring to facilitate the development of service provision and community anchoring to improve demand, all with the aim of eliminating exclusion and moving towards universal access to care.



To alleviate the difficulties of access to care for victims of violence, the  aforementioned project provides free holistic care for victims in hospitals in the North-West (Bamenda and Santa) and West (Bafoussam and Mbouda) regions, with a particular focus on male victims of violence, by supporting the operations of 2 Integrated Support Units (ISU) in the regional hospitals of Bamenda and Bafoussam, and 2 emergency care units in the district hospitals of Mbouda and Santa. The demand for services by victims of violence is guaranteed through the actions of 2 community protection mechanisms: 2 networks of 20 community relay agents (Bamenda and Bafoussam) and 3 multidisciplinary mobile clinic teams of 5 persons each (nurse, lawyer, psychosocial agent, community mobilizer, social worker) operating in communities of the towns of Bamenda, Bafoussam and Santa. These 2 community-based mechanisms, supported by community-based organizations (CBOs), ensure the detection, emergency psychosocial care and referral of victims of violence to specialized care units through awareness-raising campaigns and mobile medical consultations. 

Initiated in the previous phase, the project also aims to prevent adolescents who have been convicted of minor acts of violence and/or in conflict with the law from ending up in prison with adults responsible for more reprehensible acts. In line with this objective, the North West Regional Delegation of Social Affairs (NWRDSA) will conduct psychological listening and counselling sessions with these minors, as required by law, and support them in their social reintegration. The project will provide material and technical assistance to the services of the NWRDSA for the realisation of counselling sessions. In line with a collaboration framework between MdM-CH and NWRDSA, MdM-CH is looking to hire the services of a psychologist service provider to strengthen the specialised unit of the NWRDSA tasked with providing counselling and listening sessions to minors perpetrators of violence and/or in conflict with the law.





General objective

Contribute to the fight against violence in the North West Region.


Specific objectives

-        Provide psychological care for minors who are perpetrators of violence and/or in conflict with the law.

-        Strengthen the technical capacity of staff of the NWRDSA to offer quality psychological care to minors who are perpetrators of violence and/or in conflict with the law.





Under the responsibility of the Mental Health Supervision, the service provider will have the following specific tasks and responsibilities:


-        Develop and/or improve existing tools for conducting listening and counselling sessions for minors perpetrators of violence and/or in conflict with the law according to standards laid down by the NWRDSA

-        Accompany the personnel of the specialised services of the NWRDSA on the conduction of listening and counselling sessions for minors perpetrators of violence and/or in conflict with the law.

-        Participate in the organisation and animation of capacity building sessions and workshops organised within the framework of the collaboration framework between MdM-CH and the NWRDSA.




1.      North West Regional Delegation of Social Affaires

2.      Minor detention centre of the Bamenda Central Prison





The service provider will be required to have the required information and communication technology material (laptop...) necessary for the execution of the current service provision.



REQUIRED SKILLS             

             The skills of the desired candidate include:

-        Minimum Degree in psychology

-        Professional experience of at least 3 years working in the provision of MHPSS services and the development of tools for minors

-        Previous experience with minors perpetrators of violence and/or in conflict with the law will be an advantage.

-        Completion of at least 02 similar service provision mission with an international INGO.    

-        Demonstrate knowledge of the region/localities where the project is to be implemented.

-        Good knowledge of the protection sector.

-        Have a perfect command of English with a very good writing style. French will be an asset.




Application file

Candidates are invited to submit a full application to the following email address: <>>  specifying "PSYCHOLOGIST NWRDSA NW" in the subject line. Applications submitted via any other channel will not be considered. The application will only be considered complete if it includes the following 3 elements in a SINGLE PDF FILE:

1.      A Motivation letter addressed to the General Coordinator of MdM-CH

2.      A detailed curriculum vitae of not more than 2 pages

3.      Proof of professional experience (work certificate, contracts…..).

4.      References for 2 previous similar projects (certificate of satisfactory completion).

5.      Declaration on honour attesting to the absence of any conflict of interest.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 05/07/2024 at 12:00 (local time).

The selected candidate will be invited to draft a technical proposal including a budget proposal as well as a calendar of execution of the mission,

Applications are processed in the order of arrival, and we reserve the right to close the offer before the term initially indicated if a good application is successful. Only full applications will be considered. Only accepted applications will be contacted.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

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